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Docker container exited at end of process but I need to access the script output file

I am running OpenAI Whisper (speech to text) on Docker on my headless server using the default command:

docker run -it -v ${PWD}/models:/root/.cache/whisper -v ${PWD}/audio-files:/app openai-whisper whisper audio-file.mp3 --model turbo --language Italian --output_dir /app --output_format txt

The process runs fine and I can track the progress of the audio transcription via the console. My issue is that I cannot get the output text file.

The docker container automatically exits at the end of the process but the file is inside and I would like it to have it copied on my machine (outside the container) before it exits. Is there a way to do so?

If not, how can I access the output file within the exited container? If I do docker start <container> it exits straight away.


  • Formalizing my comment as an answer:

    Let's examine the arguments passed to the docker run command. -v is short for --volume, and is used to mount a local directory to the container. Here, -v ${PWD}/audio-files:/app means that the local ${PWD}/audio-files directory will be mounted to /app in the container.
    Now, if we look at the arguments passed to openai-whisper, we can see --output_dir /app, meaning the output should be written to /app. Since this directory is in fact a mounted volume, and file created there should be accessible from the local ${PWD}/audio-files directory, even after the container exists.