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How to get all the aliases of a lambda function using terraform?

How to get all the aliases of a lambda function hosted on a AWS Region (example eu-west-1) using terraform?


  • We can get all the aliases of a lambda function using the data external command.


    data external "get_all_aliases_of_lambda" {
      program = [
        "bash", "-c",
        "aws lambda list-aliases --region ${var.aws_region_primary} --function-name ${module.lambda.lambda_function_name} --query \" { \"aliases\" : to_string( Aliases[*].Name) } \" --output json"

    Furthermore, the aliases can be extracted from the JSON and represented as a set using toset() and jsondecode() methods of terraform.


    locals {
      aliases_available = toset(jsondecode(data.external.get_all_aliases_of_lambda[0].result.aliases))