Roger Alsing wrote an Evolutionary Algorithm for recreating the Mona Lisa using C#. His algorithm is simple:
There is a Java Evolutionary Algorithm framework called Watchmaker. The author reimplemented the Mona Lisa problem using a genuine Genetic Algorithm:
It starts out well enough, but within 30 minutes the Watchmaker implementation stagnates with a poor approximation whereas Roger's implementation looks close to complete. I tried playing around with the settings but it didn't help much. Why is Watchmaker's implementation so much slower than Roger's and why does it stagnate?
I've studied this problem over the past month and made some interesting discoveries:
I've modified the fitness score to remove hidden polygons (purely for performance reasons):
fitness += candidate.size();
This means that the fitness score will never hit zero.
I've increased the maximum number of polygons from 50 to 65535.
When I first tried running Watchmaker's Mona Lisa example it would run for days and not look anything close to the target image. Roger's algorithm was better but still stagnated after an hour. Using the new algorithm I managed to recreate the target image in less than 15 minutes. The fitness score reads 150,000 but to the naked eye the candidate looks almost identical to the original.
I put together a diagnostics display that shows me the entire population evolving over time. It also tells me how many unique candidates are active in the population at any given time. A low number indicates a lack of variance. Either the population pressure is too high or the mutation rates are too low. In my experience, a decent population contains at least 50% unique candidates.
I used this diagnostic display to tune the algorithm. Whenever the number of unique candidates was too low, I'd increase the mutation rate. Whenever the algorithm was stagnating too quickly I'd examine what was going on in the population. Very frequently I'd notice that the mutation amount was too high (colors or vertices moving too quickly).
I'm glad I spent the past month studying this problem. It's taught me a lot about the nature of GAs. It has a lot more to do with design than code optimization. I've also discovered that it's extremely important to watch the entire population evolve in real time as opposed to only studying the fittest candidate. This allows you to discover fairly quickly which mutations are effective and whether your mutation rate is too low or high.
I learned yet another important lesson about why it's extremely important to provide the fitness evaluator the exact same image as shown to the user.
If you recall the original problem I reported was that the candidate image was being scaled down before evaluation, thereby allowing many pixels to avoid detection/correction. Yesterday I enabled anti-aliasing for the image shown to the user. I figured so long as the evaluator was seeing 100% of the pixels (no scaling going on) I should be safe, but it turns out this isn't enough.
Take a look at the following images:
Anti-aliasing enabled:
Anti-aliasing disabled:
They show the exact same candidates with anti-aliasing enabled and disabled. Notice how the anti-aliased version has "streaks" of errors across the face, similar to the problem I was seeing when the candidate was being scaled. It turns out that sometimes the candidates contains polygons that introduce errors into the image in the form of "streaks" (polygons rendered with sub-pixel precision). The interesting thing is that aliasing suppresses these errors so the evaluator function does not see it. Consequently, the users sees a whole bunch of errors which the fitness function will never fix. Sounds familiar?
In conclusion: you should always (always!) pass the fitness function the exact same image you display to the user. Better safe than sorry :)
Genetic Algorithms are a lot of fun. I encourage you to play with them yourself.