I can't seem to get this idea to work with good results.
I am trying to have meaningful automatic filename creating based on the running script name.
function GetScriptName {
$callStack = Get-PSCallStack
$callerScript = $callStack[2].Location # Get the outermost script location
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($callerScript)) {
return $null
return $callerScript
If I paste the function above into a script and run that script the function works.
If I import the function into a script and call it with GetScriptName while that script is running often there is nothing returned or I get the file name of the function which is not helpful.
$callStack = Get-PSCallStack
$callerScript = $callStack[1].Location
i have tested with various numbers inside []
and I have tested a function that contains the line below
All results are either blank or the file name of the function inconsistent unless the code above is run in the script itself.
Unless someone has a better answer. I will just add the following to my scripts that need automatic names. Its a bummer that I can't get it to work as an imported function.
$filename = $home + [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar + (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_") + [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.[^.]+$','.csv'