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How do I apply row colouring to the results in an Azure Dashboard Query Tile

I have a simple KQL query being run against my Application Insights resource for my Container Apps:

| summarize totalCount=sum(itemCount) by application_Version, resultCode
| project application_Version, resultCode, totalCount
| order by application_Version asc, resultCode asc

Which gives me these results:

Azure Dashboard Query Tile Results

What I've been trying to do is have the rows with a 5xx code be red and the ones with a 4xx code be orange, but none of the instructions I've found work.

There are no Conditional Formatting options. There is no column setting to change the render to Threshold.

Is this because I'm using my query in an Azure Dashboard and not an Azure Workbook?


  • In workbook to get row color follow below steps:

    Initial Table:

    enter image description here

    Firstly, Select Grid in Visualization and then click on column settings as below:

    enter image description here

    • Then in Column Settings, Click on Column name In settings tab.
    • Then click on Column renderer as Heatmap.
    • Then Color palette select as Green to Red.
    • We do not have individual row coloring as in ADX, so we have have to give minimum (200) and maximum (500) .
    • Then In Custom number formatting --> Number Format Settings --> Units --> Count

    enter image description here


    enter image description here