I'm trying to update my version of CodenameOne in NetBeans.
I right-click my project and select Run Maven - Update Codename One. This returns:
Existing cn1.version=7.0.167
Existing cn1.plugin.version=7.0.167
Maven version already up to date. Not updating pom.xml file
Maven has version 7.0.167 (https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.codenameone/codenameone-core).
GitHub has version 7.0.170 (https://github.com/codenameone/CodenameOne).
How can I update my local version?
We're still not sure what broke but it seems that version 169/170 had release issues and vanished. We pushed 171 which seems to have fixed this. Please keep us posted if this repeats.