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replit run button installs unwanted python packages that break my project

Public replit:

When I run this replit, I see a poetry command that I haven't requested:

--> poetry add decouple humps
Using version ^0.0.7 for decouple
Using version ^0.2.2 for humps

Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies...

Package operations: 2 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals

  • Installing decouple (0.0.7)
  • Installing humps (0.2.2)

Writing lock file

I think this is a result of replit upm searching for decouple and humps, which my pyproject.toml already specifies:

pyhumps = "3.8.*"
python-decouple = "^3.6.0"

But because replit guesses anyway, and gets it wrong about these packages, every run fails with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/BugImportDecoupleHumps/", line 2, in <module>
    from decouple import config
ImportError: cannot import name 'config' from 'decouple' (/home/runner/BugImportDecoupleHumps/.pythonlibs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/decouple/

After each attempt, I have to remove extraneous lines from my TOML and also use pip or upm to remove the bogus packages. If I do this, running the code from shell works ok:

~/BugImportDecoupleHumps$ pip uninstall decouple humps
Found existing installation: decouple 0.0.7
Uninstalling decouple-0.0.7:
  Would remove:
Proceed (Y/n)? 
  Successfully uninstalled decouple-0.0.7
Found existing installation: humps 0.2.2
Uninstalling humps-0.2.2:
  Would remove:
  Would not remove (might be manually added):
Proceed (Y/n)? 
  Successfully uninstalled humps-0.2.2
~/BugImportDecoupleHumps$ python 
hello False

How can I fix this? Can I stop replit from guessing about these packages?

Thanks in advance for any help!


  • The question may already be answered, but here is the actual way to do it:

    Add the following line in your .replit file, below the entrypoint line:

    disableGuessImports = true

    This prevents the packager manager to install these packages.