I am trying to follow this dart guide https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/dart-patterns-records#4 but ran into an issue with string interpolation.
I am totally puzzled why dart expects a constant value to produce an interpolated string, this contradicts the goal of string interpolation : to produce a string at runtime from a value stored in a variable. What's wrong here ? Or is it the Text widget constructor that requieres a constant text ? Yet again, that sounds foolish to me.
Here is the metadata getter for Document class:
class Document
final Map<String, Object?> _json;
Document() : _json = jsonDecode(documentJson);
({String title, DateTime modified}) get metadata
const title = 'My Document';
final now = DateTime.now();
return (title: title, modified: now);
I tried to fix this in several ways, but all failed:
Since the metadataRecord
is passed in it is not a constant, and that means that no widget/value that depends on it can be a constant either.
As Randal commented, change
body: const Column("...
body: Column("...