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programming ESP32 to control BLHeli S ESC

I'm trying to control a brushless motor from an ESP32-devkit-v1 with an ESC with BLHeli S firmware. I've watched a LOT of videos, manuals, ChatGPT, etc., with no success. The following code got me at least a musical response from the ESC: the three-note startup chime twice, a low tone, a double high tone, and then four quick ascending tones repeat for a while. I've tried using DShot, too, without success. If anyone can point out what I'm missing or point me toward a resource that can help, that would be awesome.

Auxiliary info: The esp32 is connected and powered by my computer. The ESC is powered by a spare 60w desktop PSU; I cut a Molex connector off and connected the 12v wire and ground to the ESC, although the PSU only delivers about 10.5v. It's pretty stable, tho, so I don't think that's an issue.

#include <Arduino.h>

// GPIO pin for ESC signal
const int escPin = 18;

// PWM configuration
const int freq = 50; // 50 Hz for ESC control
const int resolution = 16; // 16-bit resolution
const int channel = 0; // PWM channel

void setThrottle(int dutyCycle);
void calibrateESC();

void setup() {
  // Initialize serial communication
  Serial.println("Initializing ESC...");

  // Configure the PWM channel
  ledcSetup(channel, freq, resolution);
  ledcAttachPin(escPin, channel);

  // Send initial ESC calibration signals

void loop() {
  // Example: Gradually increase motor speed
  Serial.println("Increasing throttle...");
  for (int dutyCycle = 1000; dutyCycle <= 2000; dutyCycle += 100) {

  Serial.println("Stopping motor...");
  setThrottle(1000); // Stop the motor

void calibrateESC() {
  Serial.println("Calibrating ESC...");
  setThrottle(2000); // Maximum throttle
  delay(2000);       // Wait for ESC to recognize max throttle
  setThrottle(1000); // Minimum throttle
  delay(2000);       // Wait for ESC to arm
  Serial.println("ESC calibration complete.");

void setThrottle(int dutyCycle) {
  // Map 1000-2000 µs to 16-bit resolution
  int pwmValue = map(dutyCycle, 1000, 2000, 0, 65535);
  ledcWrite(channel, pwmValue);


  • I don't know if you already solved this issue. I just got mine working. For anyone else that might have the same issue. The following code works. It goes from 0 (1000ms pw) to 5% (1050ms pw).

    One thing that I found is that not every pin on my ESP32 Dev kit v1 can be used. It's also important that the ESC gnd is connected to the ESP32.

    The code:

    #include <Arduino.h>
    #include <ESP32Servo.h>
    const int ESC_PIN = 13;  // GPIO pin connected to the ESC
    const int MIN_THROTTLE = 1000;  // Minimum throttle (1ms pulse width)
    const int MAX_THROTTLE_5_PERCENT = 1050;  // Maximum throttle at 5% (1.05ms pulse width)
    const int FREQUENCY = 50;  // 50Hz frequency for ESC
    // Initialize the Servo object for ESC control
    Servo escServo;
    void setup() {
      // Start Serial communication for debugging
      Serial.println("Starting PWM control using ESP32Servo...");
      // Attach the ESC to the specified GPIO pin
      escServo.setPeriodHertz(FREQUENCY);  // Set frequency to 50Hz
      escServo.attach(ESC_PIN, MIN_THROTTLE, MAX_THROTTLE_5_PERCENT); // Attach to the ESC pin
      // Initial throttle setting (this will arm the ESC if it's idle)
      Serial.println("Sending minimum throttle for arming sequence...");
      escServo.writeMicroseconds(MIN_THROTTLE);  // Minimum throttle to arm the ESC
      delay(2000);  // Wait for arming sequence
      // Send zero throttle value to complete arming sequence
      Serial.println("Sending zero throttle to complete the arming sequence...");
      escServo.writeMicroseconds(MIN_THROTTLE);  // Zero throttle
      delay(1000);  // Allow ESC to register the zero throttle
      // Send zero throttle again (or fail-safe throttle if desired)
      Serial.println("Sending zero throttle again.");
      escServo.writeMicroseconds(MIN_THROTTLE);  // Zero throttle again
    void loop() {
      // You can implement logic to gradually increase or decrease the throttle here
      // Example: Ramp up throttle from min to 5% max
      // Ramp up throttle from minimum to 5% of maximum (1600 µs)
      for (int pulse = MIN_THROTTLE; pulse <= MAX_THROTTLE_5_PERCENT; pulse += 10) {
        Serial.print("Throttle: ");
        delay(100);  // Ramp up slowly
      delay(2000); // Hold throttle for 2 seconds
      // Ramp down throttle from 5% of maximum to minimum
      for (int pulse = MAX_THROTTLE_5_PERCENT; pulse >= MIN_THROTTLE; pulse -= 10) {
        Serial.print("Throttle: ");
        delay(50);  // Ramp down slowly
      delay(2000); // Hold minimum throttle for 2 seconds

    The serial log:

    Throttle: 1030
    Throttle: 1040
    Throttle: 1050
    Throttle: 1050
    Throttle: 1040
    Throttle: 1030
    Throttle: 1020
    Throttle: 1010
    Throttle: 1000

    Edit: Depending on you ESC 1050 for the max throttle might not be high enough. I have a 4 in 1 ESC board. Two of the ESCs were configured so the firmware would ignore anything below 1121. I would recommend checking the firmware with something like BLHeliSuite or to she what the min values have to be. Also while you're in there make sure every ESC has the same value. (assuming you haven't done any calibiration).