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Accessing parameters passed via kotlin NavHost at the destination

I am writing an app that uses androidx.navigation to navigate between screens, and following this documentation:

I'm struggling to understand how to access parameters at the destination.

My (simplified) screen route looks like:

data class TimerEntryRoute(
    val operation: String,

I'm instantiating a route object in my NavHost with my parameter:

        navController = navController,
        startDestination = HomeRoute,
        modifier = modifier
    ) {
        composable<HomeRoute> {
                navigateToTimerEntry = { navController.navigate(route = TimerEntryRoute(operation = "ENTER")) }

How can I then access that route object to receive my parameters at the destination? Do I have to use the back-stack toRoute function? Does the destination need to be passed the navController to do so? It seems there ought to be a cleaner way.


  •   NavHost(
                navController = navController,
                startDestination = HomeRoute,
                modifier = modifier
            ) {
                composable<HomeRoute> {
                        navigateToTimerEntry = { navController.navigate(TimerEntryRoute(operation = "ENTER")) }
                composable<TimerEntryRoute> { navBackStackEntry ->
                    // Retrieve the route parameters directly
                    val route = navBackStackEntry.toRoute<TimerEntryRoute>()
                        operation = route.operation
    • Use navBackStackEntry.toRoute() to retrieve the route parameters.
    • You don't need to pass the navController to the destination screen unless you specifically need it for navigation actions.
    • The toRoute() function is provided by the navigation library and allows you to directly extract the route parameters.