I have a .dat file, containing column data separated by indices, for example here i show just 2 indices:
# t= 400000
1601 -0.207587E-02 0.454623E-03 0.193855E-02 0.996661E+00
1602 -0.202550E-02 0.447789E-03 0.191164E-02 0.996661E+00
1603 -0.197461E-02 0.440763E-03 0.188373E-02 0.996660E+00
1604 -0.192326E-02 0.433553E-03 0.185483E-02 0.996660E+00
1605 -0.187150E-02 0.426169E-03 0.182494E-02 0.996659E+00
# t= 410000
1601 -0.207587E-02 0.454623E-03 0.193855E-02 0.996661E+00
1602 -0.202550E-02 0.447789E-03 0.191164E-02 0.996661E+00
1603 -0.197461E-02 0.440763E-03 0.188373E-02 0.996660E+00
1604 -0.192326E-02 0.433553E-03 0.185483E-02 0.996660E+00
1605 -0.187150E-02 0.426169E-03 0.182494E-02 0.996659E+00
I would like to import them as panda dataframes and give names at each column. Also, I want to keep the index information (probably in a new column). I have tried the following but it does not work
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(filename),
names=['position','ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'rho'])
It has multiple entries. Each index "t" corresponds to different times of a simulation output. And at each time I have the 5 columns. I want to save the .dat file in the following dataframe form
t pos ux uy uz rho
400000 1601 -0.207587E-02 0.454623E-03 0.193855E-02
400000 1602 -0.202550E-02 0.447789E-03 0.191164E-02
0.996661E+00 ....
410000 1603 -0.197461E-02 0.440763E-03 0.188373E-02
410000 1604 -0.192326E-02 0.433553E-03 0.185483E-02
410000 1605 -0.187150E-02 0.426169E-03 0.182494E-02
like merging everything together.
Using your supplied dataset, below a trivial example , parse and transform to a format suited to simple conversion a df, save results as a csv. If you want to save the actual df ... then you chose the method ... parquet/pickled/json etc, I'll leave that to your discretion
cat riri.py
import sys
import os
import pandas as pd
def parseInput(filename):
data = [] # store rows for the DF in here
simTime = None
# need to organise the input file to a simplifed format to transform
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('# t='): # extract value from the header
simTime = int(line.split('=')[1].strip()) # entries like # t=....
elif line: # parse each row
cols = line.split()
pos = int(cols[0]) # Position
ux, uy, uz, rho = map(float, cols[1:]) # columns are all floats ... ux, uy, uz, rho
data.append([simTime, pos, ux, uy, uz, rho])
return data
def cvtToDf( parsedList ):
df = pd.DataFrame(parsedList, columns=['t', 'pos', 'ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'rho'])
return df
input = ""
output = ""
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print(f'USAGE:python inputFile outputFile')
input = sys.argv[1]
output = sys.argv[2]
print( f'processing {input}')
df = cvtToDf( parseInput(input) )
print( f'saving to {output}' )
df.to_csv( output , index=False)
# execute
python riri.py input.dat output.csv
processing input.dat
t pos ux uy uz rho
0 400000 1601 -0.002076 0.000455 0.001939 0.996661
1 400000 1602 -0.002025 0.000448 0.001912 0.996661
2 400000 1603 -0.001975 0.000441 0.001884 0.996660
3 400000 1604 -0.001923 0.000434 0.001855 0.996660
4 400000 1605 -0.001871 0.000426 0.001825 0.996659
5 410000 1601 -0.002076 0.000455 0.001939 0.996661
6 410000 1602 -0.002025 0.000448 0.001912 0.996661
7 410000 1603 -0.001975 0.000441 0.001884 0.996660
8 410000 1604 -0.001923 0.000434 0.001855 0.996660
9 410000 1605 -0.001871 0.000426 0.001825 0.996659
saving to output.csv
cat output.csv