I dont know what for it is "in" TCommand keyword in that interface where TCommand is a class with a few properies needed for handler. Is it needed? What it gives in that context ? or maybe "in" is only explicit way to say what is implicit mechanism in generics ?
public interface ICommandHandler<in TCommand> where TCommand : class, ICommand
Task HandleAsync(TCommand command);
Comment So ..it is related only for that specificCommandHandler = handler; where SpecificHandler variable can be assigned BaseHandler type ?
Additionally SpecificHandler can be used with a ... BaseCommand ?? like
specificHandler<SpecificCommand> sHandler = new SpecificHandler();
sHandler(BaseCommand) ;
?? if yes ... tell me what for ?:)
Suppose you have BaseCommand
and SpecificCommand
, where SpecificCommand : BaseCommand
. With the contravariance you've specified, you could write:
ICommandHandler<BaseCommand> handler = ...; // Whatever initialization you want
// Implicit reference conversion
ICommandHandler<SpecificCommand> specificCommandHandler = handler;
Without the contravariance, that second statement wouldn't be valid, because there wouldn't be any implicit conversion from ICommandHandler<BaseCommand>
to ICommandHandler<SpecificCommand>
Now you don't need that if all you want is to write handler.HandleAsync(new SpecificCommand())
- but if you want to pass a handler to a method expecting an ICommandHandler<SpecificCommand>
then that implicit conversion is exactly what you want.