I have a data class Shift:
data class Shift(
@SerialName("id") val id: String,
@SerialName("username") val username: String,
@SerialName("start") var start: LocalDateTime,
@SerialName("end") var end: LocalDateTime?,
@SerialName("canceled") var canceled: Boolean,
@SerialName("user") val user: User,
And i want to insert this id
into a string with string interpolation.
The expected result is:
But somehow its replacing shift
with the entire object and ignoring the .id, causing this result:
"/schedule/shift/{Shift(id=288aa888-2380-4290-affe-510355265a6d, username=guus, start=2025-01-24T19:00, end=null, canceled=false, user=User(username=guus, name=Guus, isAdmin=true)).id}"
What is going on here?
The code from the question looks fine and works as expected. You can try this yourself by creating a new project and just copy the code from the question.
Your actual code, however, has the $
sign moved one character to the right in the string template:
This is the only explanation how the result you observe can occur. Just search your code for {$
to find the culprit and move the $
sign in front of the curly braces, as your question (wrongly) claims it already is.