This is .NET Framework 4.8 using MigraDoc 6.1.1 (from the NuGet package).
As you can see in the screenshot, the "header" image is cut off by the top of the page, there is no top margin.
Here is my current code
Document document = new Document();
Style style = document.Styles["Normal"];
style.Font.Name = "Arial";
style.Font.Size = "10";
style.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 15;
style.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRule.Exactly;
Section section = document.AddSection();
section.PageSetup.TopMargin = 50;
var para1 = section.AddParagraph();
var image = para1.AddImage(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/PdfHeader.png"));
para1.Format.SpaceBefore = 25;
image.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Margin;
image.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Margin;
image.WrapFormat.Style = WrapStyle.TopBottom;
I have tried various things (separately and together):
section.PageSetup.TopMargin = 50;
image.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Margin;
image.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Margin;
image.WrapFormat.Style = WrapStyle.TopBottom;
para1.Format.SpaceBefore = 25;
All to no avail
I removed
style.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 15;
style.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRule.Exactly;
and now the image is aligned properly inside the top margin