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Reading .DAT file with odd tab-delimited structure in r

I am trying to read in a .DAT file that is supposed to be tab delimited, however it is a bit messier than anticipated. The data should have five columns:

  1. the first is a numeric value between 1 and infinity
  2. the second is a date formatted as "MM/DD/YYYY"
  3. the third contains time formatted as "HH:MM:SS" or "HH:MM"
  4. the fourth contains free text
  5. the fifth contains free text
c("12315\t01/01/1999\t22:31\tOther, specify - Test\tBILE TUCT", 
"75\t01/28/2021\t19:34\tct\tBilateral (unable to cannulate), normal", 
"75\t07/01/2014\t15:01:02\tCT/MRI\tCT chest shows collapse...otherwise OKAY. ETT okay. ", 
"CT neg.  Left s w/1mm cyst.", 
"75\t06/13/2018\t14:30\tCardiac cath\tNormal A, EF 66%, no AS/MR"

I pulled a piece of the file from readLines.

Ideally, the output would be:

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
12315 01/01/1999 22:31 Other, specify - Test BILE TUCT, UNKNOWN, CONTRAINDICATION, STOP
75 01/28/2021 19:34 ct Bilateral (unable to cannulate), normal
75 07/01/2014 15:01:02 CT/MRI CT chest shows collapse...otherwise OKAY. ETT okay. CT neg. Left s w/1mm cyst.
75 06/13/2018 14:30 Cardiac cath Normal A, EF 66%, no AS/MR


  • Assuming that tab is not used in free text fields and dat being the result of readLines() / readr::read_lines(), we could

    • create a frame from lines,
    • use grepl("\t", lines) |> cumsum() for grouping, to collect consecutive related lines (one with tabs optionally followed by those without tabs)
    • and collapse lines with desired separator, ", ";
    • from there we can use readr::read_tsv()
    library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
    dat |> 
      tibble(lines = _) |> 
      group_by(record = grepl("\t", lines) |> cumsum()) |> 
      #>   lines                                                                   record
      #>   <chr>                                                                    <int>
      #> 1 "12315\t01/01/1999\t22:31\tOther, specify - Test\tBILE TUCT"                 1
      #> 2 "UNKNOWN"                                                                    1
      #> 3 "CONTRAINDICATION, STOP"                                                     1
      #> 4 "75\t01/28/2021\t19:34\tct\tBilateral (unable to cannulate), normal"         2
      #> 5 "75\t07/01/2014\t15:01:02\tCT/MRI\tCT chest shows collapse...otherwise…      3
      #> 6 "CT neg.  Left s w/1mm cyst."                                                3
      #> 7 "75\t06/13/2018\t14:30\tCardiac cath\tNormal A, EF 66%, no AS/MR"            4
      summarise(lines = paste0(lines, collapse = ", ")) |> 
      #>   record lines                                                                  
      #>    <int> <chr>                                                                  
      #> 1      1 "12315\t01/01/1999\t22:31\tOther, specify - Test\tBILE TUCT, UNKNOWN, …
      #> 2      2 "75\t01/28/2021\t19:34\tct\tBilateral (unable to cannulate), normal"   
      #> 3      3 "75\t07/01/2014\t15:01:02\tCT/MRI\tCT chest shows collapse...otherwise…
      #> 4      4 "75\t06/13/2018\t14:30\tCardiac cath\tNormal A, EF 66%, no AS/MR"
      pull(lines) |> 
      I() |> 
      readr::read_tsv(col_names = FALSE) 
    #> # A tibble: 4 × 5
    #>      X1 X2         X3       X4                    X5                            
    #>   <dbl> <chr>      <time>   <chr>                 <chr>                         
    #> 1 12315 01/01/1999 22:31:00 Other, specify - Test BILE TUCT, UNKNOWN, CONTRAIND…
    #> 2    75 01/28/2021 19:34:00 ct                    Bilateral (unable to cannulat…
    #> 3    75 07/01/2014 15:01:02 CT/MRI                CT chest shows collapse...oth…
    #> 4    75 06/13/2018 14:30:00 Cardiac cath          Normal A, EF 66%, no AS/MR

    Example data:

    dat <- c("12315\t01/01/1999\t22:31\tOther, specify - Test\tBILE TUCT", 
             "75\t01/28/2021\t19:34\tct\tBilateral (unable to cannulate), normal", 
             "75\t07/01/2014\t15:01:02\tCT/MRI\tCT chest shows collapse...otherwise OKAY. ETT okay. ", 
             "CT neg.  Left s w/1mm cyst.", 
             "75\t06/13/2018\t14:30\tCardiac cath\tNormal A, EF 66%, no AS/MR"