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Calling api request inside an interceptor for jwt refresh token going to an infinite loop

I am trying to implement the the refresh jwt token mechanism in an interceptor.

I am following the accepted answer way in this post

Angular - Waiting for refresh token function to finish before forwarding the request

This is my code

intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
    // add auth header with jwt if user is logged in and request is to api url
    const token = this.localStorageService.token;
    const isApiUrl = request.url.startsWith(environment.apiUrl);

    if (token && isApiUrl) {

        if (this.jwtHelperService.isTokenExpired(token)) {

            return from(this.refreshToken()).pipe(mergeMap((response) => {
                if (response) {
                    localStorage.setItem(LocalStorageKeys.TOKEN, JSON.stringify(response));
                    //localStorage.setItem(LocalStorageKeys.REFRESH_TOKEN, JSON.stringify(;

                    request = request.clone({
                        setHeaders: {
                            Authorization: `Bearer ${response}`

                    return next.handle(request);
                else {
                    return next.handle(request);
        else {
            request = request.clone({
                setHeaders: {
                    Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`

            return next.handle(request);

    return next.handle(request);

async refreshToken(): Promise<string> {
    const res$ = this.http
            { token: this.localStorageService.token, refreshToken: this.localStorageService.refreshToken })
        .pipe(map((res) => res['data']['token']))

    const response = await lastValueFrom(res$);
    return response;

But for me when the refresh token method is called it again goes to the interceptor and so making it go in an infinite loop.

What am I am doing wrong?


  • You should add a check to make sure the token isn't injected into the header when the endpoints is for authorization.

    const isAuthenticationEndpoint = request.url === `${environment.apiUrl}/authentication/refresh-token`
    if (token && isApiUrl && !isAuthenticationEndpoint)

    Otherwise it will try to inject the token in the header, realise there is not a (valid) token, try to get one thus causing the loop.