I have a workflow in a standard Logic App that reads a file content from a Windows file share. The reading is done thanks to the managed File System Connector, which is configured to use a Data Gateway. It works great.
But, when getting the data or metadata for a file using its path, I noticed that the file name and extension parts in the path are treated in a case-sentitive manner. How can I make the connector to deal with the path in a case-insentitive way? I want that if the file "\\server\share1\file1.jpg" exists, the connector will find it despite I provide the path "\\server\share1\File1.JpG".
Ikhtesam requested the flow diagram, so here is the relevant part of it.
The error provided by the connector is:
There is no file with name 'File1.JpG' located in '\\server\share1' on your file system. Verify the file exists or create it before trying to access it.\r\nclientRequestId: 90440eba-4c91-463c-a1ac-d4cc787b384d"
Fields provided by certain connectors are either auto populated as per the available data/file in a location or you need to provide the actual value.
File path field in Get file content using path action of File System connector, will either let you choose the file path name from the dropdown post establishing a connection or you need to provide the actual file path name.
Unfortunately, it is not feasible to change the way a managed connector accepts the field values.