I wanted to try out the ESP32-C6-Mini chips, so I built a breakout board for it. Below, you can see a picture of my setup.
As you can see, I wanted to skip a USB-TTL-adapter and tried the USB CDC mode. After some time, I was able to upload a very simple sketch to the chip, and it worked as intended. This is the code I tried:
int i = 0;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
i = i+1;
As I said, this works without a problem, and I can see the result in the serial monitor. However if I try to upload a more complex example sketch I can not see a single log. I tried the WifiScan example sketch and it seems to upload just fine but I can not see prints in the serial monitor. Do you have a idea what could be the problem? Here is a screenshot of the settings I used:
So I think the sketch works but the printing to the serial monitor does not. Is there something wrong with my setup?
Sometimes the Serial Monitor will say: ESP-ROM:esp32c6-20220919
Seems using a breadboard is not always a good idea. Soldering everything to a perfboard was the solution