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ErrorProvider using class

I have made the following class to avoid the repetition if else code , again and again :

public class Error 

    private ErrorProvider errProvider;

    public void SetError(Control control, string value)

        errProvider = new ErrorProvider();

        if (control.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
            errProvider.SetError(control, value);
            errProvider.SetError(control, "");




and validation on textbox code is

private void textBox1_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)

            erp.SetError(textBox1, "Please Enter Name");

  1. After typing the text in texbox, as I press enter, it working fine;
  2. Without Entering any thing in textbox, as I press Enter , it also working fine means Waring red icon appears; BUT
  3. after warning, as I press tab after entering text in textbox , warning Icon does not disappear , it sould be removed.

without class it is working fine with the same code



  • Use Field Initializer

    private readonly ErrorProvider errProvider = new ErrorProvider();

    You should use Field Initializer for errProvider, because every time calling Error.SetError, ErrorProvider will be constructed, and a constructed ErrorProvider will not only no disappear but also be just layered.


    public class Error
        private readonly ErrorProvider errProvider = new ErrorProvider();
        public void SetError(Control control, string value)
            if (control.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
                errProvider.SetError(control, value);
                errProvider.SetError(control, "");