<input matInput
placeholder="code de confirmation"
<mat-hint>Saisissez la clé de confirmation reçue par e-mail.</mat-hint>
@if(formErrorHandler.getErrorMsg(confirmationKeyControl?.errors); as errorMsg ){
Warning message :
Node matches the "mat-error, [matError]" slot of the "MatFormField" component, but will not be projected into the specific slot because the surrounding @if has more than one node at its root. To project the node in the right slot, you can:
This check can be disabled using the
extendedDiagnostics.checks.controlFlowPreventingContentProjection = "suppress" compiler option.
Steps I Tried:
I wrapped the content of the @if block in an to match the mat-error slot, but the warning persists. I split the logic into separate @if blocks, ensuring that each block has only one projectable node, but I still see the warning.
I don't wanna disabled extendedDiagnostics.checks.controlFlowPreventingContentProjection = "suppress".
What am I missing in handling @if with content projection? How can I correctly structure this to eliminate the warning?
I solved the alert problem by moving the test, like this :
@if (cityControl?.errors; as errors) {
@if(formErrorHandler.getErrorMsg(errors); as errorMsg ) {