I want to dynamically run saveRDS
across a list of data frames and use each data frame name in the file path.
I've tried this and a single call works:
savedfs <- function(df){
dir_name = "."
file_name = deparse1(substitute(df))
file_path = file.path(dir_name, paste0(file_name,".RDS"))
saveRDS(df2, file = file_path)
[1] TRUE
However, running a named list returns odd output:
dflist <- list(cars, mtcars, iris)
names(dflist) <- c("cars", "mtcars", "iris")
lapply(dflist, savedfs)
This last call produces file "./X[[i]].RDS"
Preserving your attempted code as much as possible, you should be able to accomplish this with two minor adjustments. First, add a names argument to your function (here, df_name
) to replace deparse(...)
and second run lapply
on the names, not the list itself:
savedfs <- function(df, df_name) {
df2 <- head(df)
dir_name <- "."
file_path <- file.path(dir_name, paste0(df_name, ".RDS"))
saveRDS(df2, file = file_path)
dflist <- list(cars, mtcars, iris)
names(dflist) <- c("cars", "mtcars", "iris")
lapply(names(dflist), \(x) {
savedfs(dflist[[x]], x)
As @Friede mentions in the comments, you could also use a for
loop and avoid lapply
altogether (and the associated extraneous printing that comes with it):
for(x in names(dflist)) savedfs(dflist[[x]], x)