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How to use/create libraries in C++ without using compiler parameters?

I mainly code in Python, but now I want to start to code in C++. In Python, you can just

import glfw # example

I want to do the same in C++. I know I can do it like this:

#include <glfw.h>

But then I have to use parameters in the compiler.

What I tried:

  • Look up a single Stack Overflow question

What I'm expecting:

  • Use libraries in C++ without specifying parameters. I want to have it like this: g++ main.cpp


  • Welcome to C++. A complete answer goes down a rabbit hole, so I'll simplify.

    The statement #include <glfw.h> uses <>, which technically means the header file is outside the local project. Typically, this means it is a library provided by the compiler distribution. It may be a third-party library you installed on your system.

    If you use "", the compiler will search the same directory as your source file and then for the compiler or third-party files.

    Nothing is needed on the command line for the compiler or local headers. A third-party library probably does need an -I indicating where the header is located. There are some variations to this, depending on the compiler and OS.