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.NET MAUI System.ObjectDisposedException: 'Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup'.'

I have a big problem with my app, it crash with the error in the title.

I'm using WeakMessageReferences.

That's the class i created:

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Messaging;

namespace NuesWarehouseMobile.Utilities
    internal static class RefreshManager
        public static void RequestRefresh(string viewName)
            WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send(new RefreshViewMessage(viewName));

        public static void Register<TRecipient>(TRecipient recipient, Action<RefreshViewMessage> action) where TRecipient : class
            WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Register<RefreshViewMessage>(recipient, (r, m) => action(m));
        public static void Unregister<TRecipient>(TRecipient recipient) where TRecipient : class
    public class RefreshViewMessage
        public string ViewName { get; }
        public RefreshViewMessage(string viewName)
            ViewName = viewName;


using the WeakReferences is generating the exception.

I tried to cache the views so they don't get disposed but it's not working.

I tried to make some strong references for the same thing but it's not working.

I tried to use different methods to update my views but only the messages are working so i have to stick for that.

View logic:

    using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Messaging;
using NuesWarehouse.Core.Dtos;
using NuesWarehouseMobile.Core.Interfaces.Services;
using NuesWarehouseMobile.Utilities;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Input;

namespace NuesWarehouseMobile.MenuView;

public partial class DocumentiDaEvadereView : ContentView
    private readonly IDocumentService _documentService;
    private int currentPage = 1;
    private int perPage = 20;
    private string stato = "Aperto-Picking-Parzialmente Evaso"; //SPAZIO VUOTO
    private string tipoDoc = "OrdineVendita";

    private bool _isLoading;
    public bool IsLoading
        get => _isLoading;
            _isLoading = value;

    public ObservableCollection<DocumentiDto> Documents { get; set; }

    public ICommand LoadDocumentsCommand { get; }
    public ICommand NextPageCommand { get; }
    public ICommand PreviousPageCommand { get; }

    private int _currentPageDisplay;
    public int CurrentPageDisplay
        get => _currentPageDisplay;
            _currentPageDisplay = value;

    public DocumentiDaEvadereView()

        RefreshManager.Register(this, OnRefreshViewMessageReceived);

        IsLoading = true;
        _documentService = Application.Current.Handler.MauiContext.Services.GetService<IDocumentService>();
        Documents = new ObservableCollection<DocumentiDto>();

        LoadDocumentsCommand = new Command(async () => await LoadDocumentsAsync());
        NextPageCommand = new Command(async () => await LoadNextPageAsync());
        PreviousPageCommand = new Command(async () => await LoadPreviousPageAsync());

        //CurrentPageDisplay = currentPage;

        double screenHeight = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Height / DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Density;
        double gridHeight = screenHeight * 0.6;
        DocumentsDataGrid.HeightRequest = gridHeight;

        BindingContext = this;
        // Carica la prima pagina

        IsLoading = false;

    private async Task LoadDocumentsAsync(int page = 1)
        var documents = await _documentService.GetDocumentsByPage(page, perPage, tipoDoc, stato);
        foreach (var document in documents)
            if (document.Stato == "Evaso")
                document.StatoColor = "Green";
            else if (document.Stato == "Parzialmente Evaso")
                document.StatoColor = "Orange";
                document.StatoColor = "Yellow";
        CurrentPageDisplay = currentPage;

        DocumentsDataGrid.ItemsSource = null;
        DocumentsDataGrid.ItemsSource = Documents;

    private async Task LoadNextPageAsync()
        await LoadDocumentsAsync(currentPage);

    private async Task LoadPreviousPageAsync()
        if (currentPage > 1)
            await LoadDocumentsAsync(currentPage);

    // Metodo per aprire una nuova view
    private void ApriNuovaPaginaCommand(object sender, EventArgs e)
        IsLoading = true;
        var button = sender as Button;
        if (button?.CommandParameter is string documentId)
            Navigation.PushAsync(new EvasioneDocumentoPage(documentId));
            Debug.WriteLine("====ATTENZIONE, PARAMETRO documentId NON PASSATO CORRETTAMENTE====");
        IsLoading = false;


    private void OnRefreshViewMessageReceived(RefreshViewMessage message)
        if (message.ViewName == "EvasioneDocumento") // Controllo parametro
            Debug.WriteLine("Messaggio ricevuto in DocumentsView! Aggiorno i documenti...");
            _ = LoadDocumentsAsync(1); // Ricarica i documenti

        // Deregistrazione per evitare memory leaks


  • I just fixed it by adding "this.IsLoaded" to the receiver of the message :D