I'm trying to implement compareTo on a domain class in grails so I can return a SortedSet. I want my sorted set to be ordered by parent name, then by "child" name. For example (P=parent, C=child):
My class looks something like this:
class Issue implements Comparable {
String name
Issue parent
public int compareTo(obj){
if(obj.parent!=null && this.parent!=null){
//What do I compare to sort the children relative to their parents?
If all you're looking for is sorted sets, would just implementing Comparable on Issue and using sort orders on the mappings suffice?
class Issue implements Comparable {
String name
Issue parent
SortedSet children
static hasMany = [children : Issue]
static belongsTo = [parent : Issue]
static mapping = {
sort 'name'
children sort:'name'
public int compareTo(obj){