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Move files under multiple sub folders into one folder

I have this main folder named "Total" in total i have multiple subfolders all named in order from 1-300. 001, 002, 003, etc... In each of this numbered folders i have about 5-25 files.

What I'm wondering is, is there a way to move all the files under the number folders into the same folder say a new folder named "Total2" where all the files from all the sub folders are mixed and they aren't under the structure of each sub folder:


  • Total > 001 > 1-10files
  • Total > 002 > 11-20files
  • Total > 003 > 21-30files


  • Total2 > 1-30files

Preferably through a gsutil command of some sort or moving them through the command line. I would like to move the files and not just make copies.


  • You can try this:

    gsutil mv gs://<yourbucketname>/Total/*/* gs://<yourbucketname>/Total2/

    gs://<yourbucketname>/Total/*/* will target all the files inside Total and the files inside each subfolder.

    You can also refer to the suggestions under this StackOverflow post about moving multiple files with gsutil. Although the post was made years ago, it could still provide a solution for your case.