Search code examples

Sorting by field in many-to-many drizzle query

I have set up a m2m relation in drizzle and can query it.

const category = await db.query.categoriesTable.findFirst({
    where: (categoriesTable, { eq }) =>
      eq(, params.categoryId),
    with: {
      articles: {
        with: {
          article: {
            columns: {
              title: true,
              content: true,
              timestamp: true,

My question is, given the above code how do I sort articles b timestamp? In the "with" for articles I tried to add

orderBy: (fields) => desc(fields.timestamp),

but ts will only allow fields.articleId or fields.categoryId.

What am I missing?


  • I don't think it's possible to do the sorting how you want in the with clause

    Similar issue on their GH

    Feature request for what you're asking for and info from the drizzle contributors on what to do:

    You're better off using the select syntax AKA the core API in this scenario. So instead of this:

    const category = await db.query.categoriesTable.findFirst({
        where: (categoriesTable, { eq }) =>
          eq(, params.categoryId),
        orderBy: (categoriesTable, { asc }) => [asc(],
        with: {
          articles: {
            orderBy: (articles, { desc }) => [desc(articles.timestamp)],
            with: {
              article: {
                columns: {
                  title: true,
                  content: true,
                  timestamp: true,

    Try the select syntax, but you move away from the with syntax. The syntax might be slightly off but you get the idea 
    .innerJoin(article, eq(, article.articlesId))