Search code examples

Rails not rendering a partial

I can't get my page to render a partial. When I pull run it on the server it does not render the partial at all, but just skips it. No error messages.

# edit.html.erb    
<%= link_to("<< Back to List", {:action => 'list'}, :class => 'back=link')%>

<div class="subject edit">
    <h2>Edit Subject</h2>
    <%= form_for(:subject, :url => {:action => 'update', :id=>}) do |f| %>
        <% render :partial => 'form', :locals => {:f => f} %>
        <div class="form-buttons">
            <%= submit_tag("Update Subject")%>
    <% end %>

and this is _form.html.erb

<table summary="Subject form fields">
        <td><%= f.text_field(:name) %></td>
        <td><%= f.text_field(:position) %></td>
        <td><%= f.text_field(:visible) %></td>


  • You need the = sign:

    <%= render :partial => 'form', :locals => {:f => f} %>

    (you had <% render ....)