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Extracting vendor info from Probe Request using Scapy

Trying to extract the vendor information (Apple, Samsung, etc) from Probe Request coming from mobile, So far no luck. Not sure where the corrections to be made to get this info.

Adding my code:

import codecs
from scapy.all import *
from netaddr import *

def handler(p):

    if not (p.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp) or p.haslayer(Dot11ProbeReq) or p.haslayer(Dot11Beacon)):
    rssi = p[RadioTap].dBm_AntSignal
    dst_mac = p[Dot11].addr1
    src_mac = p[Dot11].addr2
    ap_mac = p[Dot11].addr2

    global macf
    maco = EUI(src_mac)
        macf = maco.oui.registration().org
    except NotRegisteredError:
        macf = "Not available"
    info = f"rssi={rssi:2}dBm, dst={dst_mac}, src={src_mac}, ap={ap_mac}, manf= {macf}"
    if p.haslayer(Dot11ProbeReq):
        stats = p[Dot11ProbeReq].network_stats()
        ssid = str(stats['ssid'])
        channel = None
        if "channel" in stats:
            channel = stats['channel']

        print(f"[ProbReq ] {info}")
        print(f"ssid = {ssid}, channel ={channel}") #rate= {rates}
sniff(iface="wlan1", prn=handler, store=0)


  • There are a few things that should be taken into consideration when dealing with your problem.

    First, the OUI used by the netaddr 1.3.0 package is outdated.

    I have an iPhone 16 with OUI 0C-85-E1. You can check directly in IEEE or here that it is a valid OUI, but it's not updated in the netaddr source.

    You can solve this problem using another approach to get OUI info from the web.

    oui = src_mac[:8].upper().replace(":", "-")
      response = requests.get(f"{oui}")
      if response.status_code == 200:
        macf = response.text
        macf = "Not available"
    except Exception as e:
      macf = "Not available"

    But here there's the second problem. Apple uses a private Wi-Fi addresses security functionality that prevents from showing the real OUI on all requests, including probe requests.

    Check here when this option is off:

    private Wi-Fi addresses security functionality off

    And when it's on:

    enter image description here

    You can check that OUI 6E-BA-4F it's invalid.

    Android has a similar function too. So you will have the same problem.

    If your clients use this function there is no way to determine the vendor based on OUI from probe requests.