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Lean4 string interpolation: Possible to format as hex?

Is it possible to customize the formatting when using string interpolation with Lean4?

More precise: I want to format using hexadecimal digits and add zeros as padding.

Minimal example (Same example in Lean 4 Web):

structure Color where
  r : UInt8
  g : UInt8
  b : UInt8

def Color.to_hex : Color → String
  | {r, g, b} => s!"#{r}{g}{b}"

def color : Color := ⟨ 0, 7, 255 ⟩

#eval color.to_hex
#guard color.to_hex = "#07255" -- *NOT* what I want
-- #guard color.to_hex = "#0007ff" -- What I want

Coming from other languages like Rust I would have expected to use some sort separator like : and add formatting information on the right side of that.

But that does not work (the colon has already a different meaning in Lean 4) and neither the documentation nor the reference give more information.


  • Even if string interpolation itself does not accept formatting parameters, it's not as bad as it might seem:

    String interpolation in Lean 4 accepts arbitrary expression. So instead of having to remember a special syntax for formatting inside string interpolation you can just call a function doing the formatting.

    Lean4 already provides a method for the given example (format UInt8 values using two hex digits no matter the value): BitVec.toHex

    To keep the example small, I've just added a tiny method:

    def UInt8.toHex (x : UInt8) : String := x.toBitVec.toHex

    Now the example passes:

    def UInt8.toHex (x : UInt8) : String := x.toBitVec.toHex
    structure Color where
      r : UInt8
      g : UInt8
      b : UInt8
    def Color.to_hex : Color → String
      | {r, g, b} => s!"#{r.toHex}{g.toHex}{b.toHex}"
    def color : Color := ⟨ 0, 7, 255 ⟩
    #eval color.to_hex
    -- #guard color.to_hex = "#07255" -- *NOT* what I want
    #guard color.to_hex = "#0007ff" -- What I want

    Lean 4 Web Link