I use ballerina to process composer.json files. such files have repositories entries like this:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/itdoc-Dev/my_git_repository.git"
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/symfony-Dev/another_git_repository.git"
When such a json map is loaded in my ballerina script, the "type" field cannot be manipulated as other filed,
for example: this compiles:
string url = check theRepo.url.ensureType();
but this does not:
string type = check theRepo.type.ensureType();
the error is:
ERROR [dev_it.bal:(114:12,114:16)] invalid token 'type'
ERROR [dev_it.bal:(114:17,114:17)] missing identifier
ERROR [dev_it.bal:(114:33,114:33)] missing identifier
ERROR [dev_it.bal:(114:33,114:33)] missing semicolon token
ERROR [dev_it.bal:(114:33,114:37)] type definitions are allowed only at module level
ERROR [dev_it.bal:(114:37,114:38)] invalid token '.'
and my ballerina version is:
$bal --version
Ballerina 2201.10.3 (Swan Lake Update 10)
Language specification 2024R1
Update Tool 1.4.3
... I worked around it with this:
I fixed it after reading the the section about identifiers in the doc: https://ballerina.io/learn/by-example/identifiers/ identifiers that are reserved keywords should be prefixed with a single quote: see 'from variable example. so the fix is:
string 'type = check theRepo.'type.ensureType();