I have 2 tables table_A and table_B with the below structure:
ref | amnt | dt_trans |
B1 | 147.50 | 30-Nov-2024 |
B1 | 50.50 | 30-Nov-2024 |
B1 | 150.70 | 01-Nov-2024 |
B1 | 70.50 | 01-Nov-2024 |
B2 | 160.50 | 02-Dec-2024 |
policy | ref | anuity_amnt |
P1 | B1 | 1500 |
P2 | B1 | 700 |
P3 | B2 | 600 |
From the above 2 tables, first I have to group the records in table_A as per the date(dt_trans) with highest and lowest vales. For ex, for 30th Nov, 2024 the highest value is 147.50 and lowest value is 50.50, while for 1st Nov, 2024, highest value is 150.70 and lowest value is 70.50. For table_B, for Ref (B1), the highest value (1500) goes to P1 and lowest value (700) goes to P2. So, the final table will look like
ref | amnt | dt_trans | policy |
B1 | 147.50 | 30-Nov-2024 | P1 |
B1 | 50.50 | 30-Nov-2024 | P2 |
B1 | 150.70 | 01-Nov-2024 | P1 |
B1 | 70.50 | 01-Nov-2024 | P2 |
and so on ....
So, far I have tried to arrange the table_A only as per dt_trans, but unable to find the solution, as I am not expert in SQL. Can anyone please help?
,dt_trans OVER (PARTITION BY dt_trans)
One of the options to do it could be to flag the rows with highest and lowest values in both tables separately (using case expressions) and then join the queries ON ref and flag columns.
SELECT a.ref, a.amnt, a.dt_trans, b.policy
FROM ( Select ref, amnt, dt_trans, Count(*) Over(Partition By dt_trans) as cnt_dt,
Case When amnt = Min(amnt) Over(Partition By dt_trans)
Then 'Low'
When amnt = Max(amnt) Over(Partition By dt_trans)
Then 'High'
End as flag -- flag high and low rows
From table_A
) a
INNER JOIN ( Select policy, ref, anuity_amnt, Count(*) Over(Partition By ref) as cnt_ref,
Case When anuity_amnt = Min(anuity_amnt) Over(Partition By ref)
Then 'Low'
When anuity_amnt = Max(anuity_amnt) Over(Partition By ref)
Then 'High'
End as flag -- flag high and low rows
From table_B
) b ON( b.ref = a.ref And
b.flag = a.flag )
WHERE cnt_dt > 1 And cnt_ref > 1 -- omit this if you want one row match to be fetched
ORDER BY dt_trans desc, policy
R e s u l t :
B1 | 147.5 | 2024-11-30 | P1 |
B1 | 50.5 | 2024-11-30 | P2 |
B1 | 150.7 | 2024-11-01 | P1 |
B1 | 70.5 | 2024-11-01 | P2 |
The Alex Poole's remarks below his answer are applicable to this answer too.