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Why do multiple gradients don't apply?

Why only the first gradient apply here?

html {
 background-color: #110b53;
 background: radial-gradient(
 circle at top left,
 #044b8d 5%,
 #110b53 35%,
 #110b53 60%
 circle at top right,
 #8b0460 5%,
 #110b53 35%,
 #110b53 60%);

Should i create multipale classes for ecah gradient?


  • Because they both cover the entire page with no opacity. So one is sitting on top of the other.

    If you add a transparent portion to one, it lets the other show through.

    html {
      background-color: #110b53;
      background: radial-gradient(circle at top left,
          #044b8d 5%,
          #110b53 35%,
          #110b53 60%,
          /* this */
        radial-gradient(circle at top right,
          #8b0460 5%,
          #110b53 35%,
          #110b53 60%);