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Too much linear gradient text style being applied, despite it being same as Figma design style

I am trying to replicate a design in Figma for text with linear gradient. Here is my code, which I got from an article somewhere:

<p className='font-inter-tight font-medium text-[18px] leading-[27px] tracking-[0.03em] bg-gradient-to-b from-[#FFFFFF] to-[#A3A3A300] bg-clip-text text-transparent'>

The style I'm aiming to achieve is this:

enter image description here

The style I end up getting is this:

enter image description here

Not sure why the fading at the bottom is much more than what it is in the Figma design. Can anyone please guide?


  • It seems like the 0% alpha channel of the #A3A3A3 color stop is not applied in the Figma visual. Setting the color to opaque seems to align more closely with the Figma design.

    tailwind.config = {
      theme: {
        extend: {
          fontFamily: {
            'inter-tight': ["Inter Tight", ...tailwind.defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
    @import url('');
    body {
      background-color: #1c2232;
    <script src=""></script>
    <p class="font-inter-tight font-medium text-[18px] leading-[27px] tracking-[0.03em] bg-gradient-to-b from-[#FFFFFF] to-[#A3A3A300] bg-clip-text text-transparent">
      Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet,<br/>
      Consectetur Adipiscing  
    <p class="font-inter-tight font-medium text-[18px] leading-[27px] tracking-[0.03em] bg-gradient-to-b from-[#FFFFFF] to-[#A3A3A3] bg-clip-text text-transparent">
      Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet,<br/>
      Consectetur Adipiscing