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UiPath CLI - github deployment to uipath cloud

I am currently working(fighting) with UiPath CLI (version 23.10.8753.32995) in order to pack my project and later on publish it to the orchestrator.

Background: We are using Github Enterprise with SSO, hooked up to our Azure AD. We are also running UiPath Cloud with Azure AD integration (working) - in UiPath Cloud I've set up an "External Application" that allows access to the Orchestrator API via OAuth. The "application type" that my External Application is using is "Confidential Application", and so I've populated my github secrets with AppID, AppSecret and AppScope.

Problem: As soon as I try to run the CLI from my github pipeline to pack my project, I get an error:

uipcli Error: 0 : ``Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationException: Operation returned invalid status code '404'.
   at UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.ClientV3.PackageFeedsClient.GetAccessibleFeedsAsync(Nullable`1 onlyPublishable, String api_version, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at UiPath.CommandLine.Utils.FeedUtil.GetFeeds(PackageFeedsClient packageFeedsClient, StringBuilder accessToken)
   at UiPath.CommandLine.Utils.FeedUtil.GetOrchestratorFeeds(BusinessTraceSource businessTraceSource, BaseAuthenticatedOptions options)``

I've been reading the docs, and one thing that I keep coming back to is the note in the "About CLI" where it says the cli does not support SSO connections, my eagerness to get this working keep believing that there must be another way, but I cannot find any, but I am not a quitter and so I turn to you brilliant minds. Do I let the ship sail and admit defeat due to the "CLI not supporting SSO connections" or ? Do I quit the fight in github and go with Automation Ops pipeline and source control from UiPath cloud instead ?

Source: UiPath Azure AD integration -

Source: UiPath External Application -

Source: UiPath about CLI -

I've tried changing and creating new External Application, downgrading the CLI, running CLI from my own machine (getting error 401) Ever since the enablement from the AD integration in uipath, the CLI has not been working from my github pipeline. (It worked prior to the AD integration enablement)


  • I finally solved this issue.

    The UiPath CLI doesn't like the env.vars within the github pipeline, so using ${{ secrets.example }} is the way to go.