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How to send back the current uri except with a different pagination query parameter?

I am using Axum as my rust web server. Users can make get requests and supply a page number for pagination purposes.

I am trying to figure out what the correct and efficient approach is to return back the "current" uri except with next page number.

For example, users can first retrieve:


In my response json, I need to return same uri but with next page number:



and so on.

I am able to retrieve the uri using request.uri() in my handler. But what's the most efficient way for me to return the same uri but only a single query parameter being different?


  • The most straightforward way would be to have a struct that represents the parsed query string and that implements Deserialize and Serialize. Doing it this way has several advantages:

    • You can just serialize it back into a query string after adjusting the page number.
    • You can extract the parsed query string using Query instead of manually parsing it.
    • Unknown garbage in the query string is stripped out.

    For example:

    #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
    #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
    enum Sort {
    #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
    struct PostsQuery {
        pub sort: Sort,
        pub time: String, // Or some other type that represents the parsed state?
        pub page: usize,

    Now you can extract Query<PostsQuery>.

    To serialize it back to a query string, you can use the serde_urlencoded crate, which is what Query uses to deserialize the query string.

    async fn handler(Query(mut query): Query<PostsQuery>) { += 1;
        let query_string = serde_urlencoded::to_string(&query);
        // Now use query_string in construction of the URL.