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Python equivalent for SequnceChain class in Timefold

What is the Python equivalent class (SequenceChain) and method (getConsecutiveSequences()) for the following Java Timefold piece of code?


This line of code is used in one of the Quickstart examples like this:

protected Constraint multipleConsecutiveHomeMatches(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
        return constraintFactory.forEach(Match.class)
                .join(Team.class, equal(Match::getHomeTeam, Function.identity()))
                .groupBy((match, team) -> team,
                        ConstraintCollectors.toConsecutiveSequences((match, team) -> match.getRound(), Round::getIndex))
                .filter((team, matches) -> matches.getCount() >= MAX_CONSECUTIVE_MATCHES)
                .penalize(HardSoftScore.ONE_HARD, (team, matches) -> matches.getCount())
                .asConstraint("4 or more consecutive home matches");


  • One of the tests suggests that it is SequenceChain.getConsecutiveSequences().