I'm currently working on ListViews in Fragments. The Listviews are loaded by Cursorloader, but without ContentManager. So the code looks like this and it works:
public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int arg0, Bundle arg1) {
Log.d("SoapERP", "onCreateLoader");
CursorLoader loader = new CursorLoader(getActivity()) {
final DBHelper dbhelper1= new DBHelper(getActivity());
public Cursor loadInBackground() {
Cursor c = null;
c = dbhelper1.fetchAllMatnameswithID();
// dbhelper1.close();
return c;
return loader;
My problem is that I get an LogCat-Error-Message that the database wasn't closed. But if I use dbhelper.close(); I get the Error "Database is already closed" wich is also understandable because it is just before the return statement. After the return statement code is not reachable and if I declare DBHelper dbhelper1 final the program crashes without any information in logcat. So what is my fail???
Finally I found here the right statement as of Dianne Hackborn from android framework development: "A content provider is created when its hosting process is created, and remains around for as long as the process does, so there is no need to close the database -- it will get closed as part of the kernel cleaning up the process's resources when the process is killed. Dianne Hackborn Android framework engineer hack...@android.com " - so let's use Content Provider.