I'll try to keep it simple.. I usually write book!! Here is my sheet.
I need my existing script to recognize specific values in one column on one sheet and then bold and change text color on another sheet.
My script pulls data from the Data sheet and creates a list of events on the Rotationlist sheet. It already works the way I want it except for making some rows bold with a different text color.
I need the rows on the Data sheet that have 'I need a driver' in the Status column to be bolded and the text color to be red after they are imported into the Rotationlist sheet.
Here is an example: Desired end result
Here is my script:
//this creates the trip schedule to use during a rotation meeting. choose the dates and check the box. Script
//does everything else
function onEdit(e) {
// Logger.log(JSON.stringify(e)) // DEBUG
var editedValue=e.value
var editedSheet = e.range.getSheet().getName()
var editedRow = e.range.rowStart
var editedCol = e.range.columnStart
// Logger.log("DEBUG: edited value = "+editedValue+", edited sheet = "+editedSheet+", edited row = "+editedRow+", edited Column = "+editedCol)
var sheet2Watch = "RotationList"
// Logger.log("DEBUG: edited sheet = "+editedSheet+", sheet to watch = "+sheet2Watch+", edited value = "+editedValue)
// test for sheet and edited value
if (editedSheet != sheet2Watch || editedValue != "TRUE") {
// no match, do nothing
// Logger.log("DEBUG: no match, do nothing")
// Logger.log("DEBUG: match = build trip schedule")
function createRotationSchedule() {
var tripSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("RotationList")
// get the number of rows of data - include a test for no rows
var numOfRowsData = +tripSheet.getLastRow()-3
// Logger.log("DEBUG: number of rows of data = "+numOfRowsData)
if (numOfRowsData <1 ){
// no data, insert some blank rows
tripSheet.insertRowsAfter(3, 10)
// delete the rows
tripSheet.deleteRows(4, numOfRowsData)
//Logger.log("DEBUG: deleted the rows")
// get the user variables
var startDate = tripSheet.getRange("A1").getValue()
var endDate = tripSheet.getRange("B1").getValue()
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Start date = "+startDate+"\nEnd date = "+endDate)
// Logger.log("DEBUG: value of Start date = "+startDate.valueOf())
// get the data
var dataSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Data")
// get the number of rows
// can't use getDataRange because formula extend beyond the length of actual data
// use Column A to get the actual row count
var aVals = dataSheet.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
var aLast = aVals.filter(String).length;
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Column A: number of rows = "+aLast)
var dataRange = dataSheet.getRange(2,1,aLast,9)
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the data range = "+dataRange.getA1Notation())
var data = dataRange.getValues()
// convert the date column of the data into a 1d array for analysis
var dates = data.map(function(e){return e[0]})
//Logger.log(dates) // DEBUG
//Logger.log(dates.length) // DEBUG
// create a temporary Array to hold the data rows
var tripArray = new Array
// create an array for a blank row
// maybe there are better ways to do this BUT this works.
var blankRow = ["","","","","","","","",""]
// loop through dates to find matches of the Start and End dates
// note NOT testing formatted date BUT tesing "valueOf"
for (var i=0;i<dates.length;i++){
// does this date fit between the Start and End dates
if ((dates[i].valueOf() >= startDate.valueOf()) && (dates[i].valueOf() <= endDate.valueOf())){
// Logger.log("DEBUG: i:"+i+", row "+(i+1)+" is a match: "+dates[i])
// test for the first row
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Test for first row")
if (i==0){
// match for first row
// Logger.log("DEBUG: First Row: i="+i)
// build data
// create header row
var dateHeader = [dates[i],"","","","","","","",""]
// remove the timestamp and replace with a blank
data[i].splice(0, 1, '')
// Logger.log("DEBUG: data = "+data[i])
// create/repeat data row for number of busses required
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Repeat x = "+data[i][2])
for (var b=0;b<data[i][2];b++ ){
// create data row
// jump to next row of data in loop
// test for data that is the same date as previous row
// Logger.log("DEBUG: test for same date: i="+i+", this date = "+dates[i].valueOf()+", previous date = "+dates[+i-1].valueOf())
if (i>0){
if (dates[+i-1].valueOf() == dates[i].valueOf()){
// data for the same date
// Logger.log("DEBUG: same date: i="+i)
// remove the timestamp and replace with a blank
data[i].splice(0, 1, '')
// Logger.log("DEBUG: data = "+data[i])
// create/repeat data row for number of busses required
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Repeat x = "+data[i][2])
for (var b=0;b<data[i][2];b++ ){
// create data row
// jump to next row of data in loop
// test for data that is a new date
// Logger.log("DEBUG: test for a new date: i="+i+", this date = "+dates[i].valueOf()+", previous date = "+dates[+i-1].valueOf())
if (i>0){
// not the first row, and not a match for the previous row
// so... start a new date row
// Logger.log("DEBUG: new date: i="+i)
// build data
// create header row
var dateHeader = [dates[i],"","","","","","","",""]
// remove the timestamp and replace with a blank
data[i].splice(0, 1, '')
// Logger.log("DEBUG: data = "+data[i])
// create/repeat data row for number of busses required
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Repeat x = "+data[i][2])
for (var b=0;b<data[i][2];b++ ){
// create data row
// Logger.log("DEBUG: NOT IN DATE RANGE: i="+i+", and date = "+dates[i])
// insert a blank row at the bottom of the data
// update tripArray into the spreadsheet
// Logger.log("DEBUG: updated RotationList")
// format Column A of the sheet - bold, left aligned
// merge the date rows
var startRow = 4
var lc = 9
// get the trip dates from Column A
var tripDates = tripSheet.getRange(4,1,tripArray.length).getValues()
// loop through the values in Column A
// if not a string, then merge the row
for (var i=0;i<tripDates.length;i++){
var row = +i+4
Logger.log("i:"+i+", row = "+row+", value = "+tripDates[i][0]+", type of = "+typeof(tripDates[i][0]))
if (typeof(tripDates[i][0]) != "string"){
// merge the row
You want to get the Font colour for Trips where the Trip number is NOT blank and the driver name IS blank.
Insert the following lines of code into createRotationSchedule
// use tripArray to set row background to RED if tripnumber but not Driver name
var dataRows = tripArray.length
for (var r =0;r<dataRows;r++){
// Logger.log("r:"+r+", row# = "+(r+startRow)+", tripnumber = "+tripArray[r][1]+", Driver = "+tripArray[r][7])
if (tripArray[r][1] !== "" && tripArray[r][7] == "") { // if trip number is NOT empty cell AND driver IS empty