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Azure DevOps Pipeline to check if artifacts exists from a specific pipeline, if not found then trigger the pipeline

I have a main pipeline which is downloading pipeline artifact from a specific pipeline.

- task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
    source: specific
    project: ABC
    pipeline: 1
    runVersion: latestFromBranch
    runBranch: $(Build.SourceBranch)
    artifact: artifact-abc
    targetPath: $(Pipeline.Workspace)

I need to do a prerequisite check if artifact exists for the specific pipeline for the branch if not then run the specific pipeline. How to achieve this? Can we make use of a python script to invoke REST API to check and trigger the pipeline run?


  • You could use the Builds - List API to retrieve a list of builds, then loop through those results and check if the artifact exists.

    - task: PowerShell@2
      displayName: Locate existing artifact
        targetType: inline
        script: |
          $project = "ABC"
          $pipeline = "1"
          $branch = "$(Build.SourceBranch)"
          $artifact = "artifact-abc"
          $baseUrl = "$(System.CollectionUri)/$project"
          $headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $(System.AccessToken)" }
          $url = $baseUrl + `
                 "/_apis/build/builds?definitions=$pipeline" + `
                 "&branchName=$branch" + `
                 "&resultFilter=succeeded" + `
                 "&statusFilter=completed" + `
                 "&queryOrder=queueTimeDescending" + `
          # obtain list of build candidates
          $result = Invoke-RestMethod `
                      -Method Get `
                      -Uri $url `
                      -Headers $headers `
          # loop through builds to find artifact
          $builds = $result.value
          if $(builds) {
            $builds | ForEach-Object {
              $buildId = $
              $artifactUrl = $baseUrl + `
                             "_apis/build/builds/$pipeline/artifacts" + `
                             "?artifactName=$artifact" + `
              # check if artifact exists
              try {
                $result = Invoke-RestMethod `
                            -Method Get `
                            -Uri $artifactUrl `
                            -Headers $headers `
                if ($ -eq $artifact) {
                  # artifact found!
                  Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=artifactExists]true"
              catch {}
          Write-Host "Artifact not found."

    Then you can use the Pipeline - Run API to queue the pipeline. You'd then have to query the pipeline using Runs - Get until it's completed. This isn't an ideal, because you're using your build agent to monitor another build. If you only have a single build agent, this obviously won't work.

    - task: PowerShell@2
      displayName: Invoke build
      condition: ne(variables['artifactExists'], 'true')
        targetType: inline
        script: |
          $branch = "$(Build.SourceBranch)"
          $project = "ABC"
          $pipeline = "1"
          $baseUrl = "$(System.CollectionUri)/$project"
          $headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $(System.AccessToken)" }
          $invokeUrl = $baseUrl + `
                         "/_apis/pipelines/$pipeline/runs" + `
          $invokeBody = @{
            resources = @{
               repositories = @{
                 self = @{
                  refName = $branch
          } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
          # queue the build
          $result = Invoke-RestMethod `
                      -Method POST `
                      -Body $invokeBody `
                      -Uri $invokeUrl `
                      -Headers $headers
          $runId = $
          # Monitor the build
          $monitorUrl = $baseUrl + `
          $done = false
          while (!$done) {
            Start-Delay -Seconds 60
            $result = Invoke-RestMethod `
                       -Method Get `
                       -Uri $monitorUrl `
                       -Headers $headers
            $done = $result.state -eq "completed"