Whenever I make a new virtual environment to start a new project and create a reuirements.txt file in it, the terminal just doesn't except the request of installing all the libraries listed in the requirements folder, it just does nothing.
I tried moving the project folder to my main Local Disk(C),if I try to manually install any library it works perfectly fine but not when i tell it access the list. Also Tried a list with just 2-3 modules listed without any conflicting dependencies. Also pip is up-to-date as well.Here's What happens aka Nothing
First, make sure requirement.txt is readable.
type requirements.txt # Windows
cat requirements.txt # Mac
Then you can try it with verbose output to see what is actually happening:
pip install -r requirements.txt -v
You can also check pip version used in your virtual environment:
pip --version
There might also be an issue in content of the requirement.txt.