I have a question about apline.js . Sorry if it's stupid, but I didn't find answer in the off documentation. What kind of rendering does apline.js?
I understand that he doesn't have a v-dom, but I find topics about ssr rendering option on apline.js thanks for your attention.
Alpine.js was designed to be a client side framework as discussed in this issue [0] comment:
Note that currently you could precompile/run Alpine.js server-side by using something like JSDOM but since Alpine.js has no virtual DOM (ie. it's tightly coupled to DOM APIs), running it outside of a DOM environment is unlikely to ever be on the roadmap.
But there are attempts to process alpine instructions such as x-for
to produce service rendered html such as described here [1] or partially implemented here [2].
[0] https://github.com/alpinejs/alpine/discussions/551#discussioncomment-22796
[1] https://github.com/alpinejs/alpine/discussions/596#discussioncomment-29469