can someone please give me an example of how to change the SORL-thumbnail format in the django template tag.
I've read the documentation here:
and have tried various ways of implimenting to no avail. I get errors similar to: 'thumbnail' tag received a bad argument: 'format'
My code works fine without the " format="png" " part, it just makes a jpg thumbnail. However, I want a png thumbnail. {% thumbnail product.main_image.picture 84x84 format="png" as image %}
Also, adding THUMBNAIL_FORMAT = "PNG" to my did nothing
So Issac and zachwood were right on. This was a version dependent thing. I resolved my problem this way:
1.) upgrade to newest sorl
1.1) syncdb
2.) in settings, changed THUMBNAIL_DEBUG = True
3.) added closing tag so the templates looked like :
{% thumbnail product.main_image.picture "400x284" format="PNG" as image %}
<img src="{{ media_url }}{{ image }}" width="{{ image.width }}" height="{{ image.height }}" alt="{{ product.short_description }}"/>
{% endthumbnail %}
It worked!
Unfortunately Satchmo uses SORL-Thumbnail version 3.2.5, those docs are for 11. My guess is they didn't support formats in version 3.x. I haven't had any luck finding docs for it but you can probably dig through the code to be sure.
If I remember correctly you can swap out the library for version 11, but you'll have to go through all the templates that use the template tag and add the {% endthumbnail %} tag after each time it's used (the endtag wasn't used back in version 3.x).