when i create new blazor webassembly project in visual studio i check the enlist in .net aspire orchestration box and it will be add to my project
but when I started my project I couldn't see any blazor project running on Aspire
I have a few project with APIs and single blazor webassembly project and I want to add Aspire to them but it doesn't run blazor webassembly part
and also I tried to add it manually so my API was added but for blazor webassembly I getting error
I had the same requirement as described above: to use Aspire with Blazor WebAssembly (client) apps.
You can add the URLs to web APIs that your Blazor WebAssembly (client) app needs to call in the client's appsettings.json files
, and that works ok. You can even specify different URLs in for different environments in appSettings.{environmentName}.json
and that works fine too. However, you'll have to remember to maintain the endpoints in the client app if they change in the distributed app, and that's exactly the pain-point that Aspire is designed to address.
I made a Nuget package that expands the existing functionality of Aspire to work for Blazor WebAssembly (client) apps:
If you install the Nuget package in your AppHost project and follow the instructions in the README.md
then your distributed application host will put the service discovery information in the appropriate appsettings.{environment}.json
file of the Blazor WebAssembly (client) app. I've targeted .NET 8 and 9.
It's only five more classes and it doesn't change any of the existing codebase of Aspire.
Please can you let me know if you like the implementation and contribute improvements on GitHub if you wish? I would like to submit this as a pull request for the Aspire team to (hopefully) merge.
It's as simple as the below (in Program.cs
of your AppHost
var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var inventoryApi = builder.AddProject<Projects.AspNetCoreWebApi>("inventoryapi");
var billingApi = builder.AddProject<Projects.SomeOtherWebApi>("billingapi");
Then in Program.cs of the client app:
builder.Services.ConfigureHttpClientDefaults(static http =>
builder.Services.AddHttpClient<IInventoryService, InventoryService>(
client =>
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https+http://inventoryapi");
builder.Services.AddHttpClient<IBillingService, BillingService>(
client =>
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https+http://billingapi");