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Adb stops detecting my phone after a while

I am developing for android on a linux machine and I have already created a udev rule for android and it works. After a while if I unplug the device and plug it back in again, adb doesn't recognize the device if I run lusb or dmesg to get information about the device. I tried reload the udev rules and it does not work, I even tried to kill the adb process but it still does not work.

Can someone help? Anyway, thank you.


  • This appears to be a real problem on linux, at some point in time a device will no longer be seen by the ADB. What I should really say is almost never be seen by the ADB. In my case I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 that was given to attendees of Google I/O 2011. My Ubuntu 10.10 development system was working just fine with this device. Sometime near September 19th the ADB stopped seeing the device! In fact there have been breif moments in time when the device was detected by the ADB. What needs to be made clear about the problem that I and I believe pharaoh are having is not the permissions issue where executing

    $adb devices

    returns ?????????? for a device. The device simply does not show up in the list. One more important fact is that at no point in time has this device not been detected on my Windows based development machines.

    It appears to me that the mechanism that the ADB uses to determine if a device on the USB is in fact a adb_device is fragile and some change in either our devices or our development systems has broken this detection.