C# programmer trying to learn some Python. I am trying to run a CPU intensive calc while letting an IO bound async method quietly chug away in the background. In C#, I would typically set the awaitable going, then kick off the CPU intensive code, then await the IO task, then combine results.
Here's how I'd do it in C#
static async Task DoStuff() {
var ioBoundTask = DoIoBoundWorkAsync();
int cpuBoundResult = DoCpuIntensizeCalc();
int ioBoundResult = await ioBoundTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
Console.WriteLine($"The result is {cpuBoundResult + ioBoundResult}");
static async Task<int> DoIoBoundWorkAsync() {
Console.WriteLine("Make API call...");
await Task.Delay(2500).ConfigureAwait(false); // non-blocking async call
Console.WriteLine("Data back.");
return 1;
static int DoCpuIntensizeCalc() {
Console.WriteLine("Do smart calc...");
Thread.Sleep(2000); // blocking call. e.g. a spinning loop
Console.WriteLine("Calc finished.");
return 2;
And here's the equivalent code in python
import time
import asyncio
async def do_stuff():
ioBoundTask = do_iobound_work_async()
cpuBoundResult = do_cpu_intensive_calc()
ioBoundResult = await ioBoundTask
print(f"The result is {cpuBoundResult + ioBoundResult}")
async def do_iobound_work_async():
print("Make API call...")
await asyncio.sleep(2.5) # non-blocking async call
print("Data back.")
return 1
def do_cpu_intensive_calc():
print("Do smart calc...")
time.sleep(2) # blocking call. e.g. a spinning loop
print("Calc finished.")
return 2
await do_stuff()
Importantly, please note that the CPU intensive task is represented by a blocking sleep that cannot be awaited and the IO bound task is represented by a non-blocking sleep that is awaitable.
This takes 2.5 seconds to run in C# and 4.5 seconds in Python. The difference is that C# runs the asynchronous method straight away whereas python only starts the method when it hits the await. Output below confirms this. How can I achieve the desired result. Code that would work in Jupyter Notebook would be appreciated if at all possible.
--- C# ---
Make API call...
Do smart calc...
Calc finished.
Data back.
The result is 3
--- Python ---
Do smart calc...
Calc finished.
Make API call...
Data back.
The result is 3
Inspired by knh190's answer, it seems that I can get most of the way there using asyncio.create_task(...)
. This achieves the desired result (2.5 secs): first, the asynchronous code is set running; next, the blocking CPU code is run synchronously; third the asynchronous code is awaited; finally the results are combined. To get the asynchronous call to actually start running, I had to put an await asyncio.sleep(0)
in, which feels like a horrible hack. Can we set the task running without doing this? There must be a better way...
async def do_stuff():
task = asyncio.create_task(do_iobound_work_async())
await asyncio.sleep(0) # <~~~~~~~~~ This hacky line sets the task running
cpuBoundResult = do_cpu_intensive_calc()
ioBoundResult = await task
print(f"The result is {cpuBoundResult + ioBoundResult}")
Now it can be done without await asyncio.sleep(0)
trick after every single task creation. You need to set the task factory to asyncio.eager_task_factory
Here is the full working code:
import asyncio
import time
async def do_stuff():
ioBoundTask = asyncio.create_task(do_iobound_work_async()) # new
cpuBoundResult = do_cpu_intensive_calc()
ioBoundResult = await ioBoundTask
print(f"The result is {cpuBoundResult + ioBoundResult}")
async def do_iobound_work_async():
print("Make API call...")
await asyncio.sleep(2.5)
print("Data back.")
return 1
def do_cpu_intensive_calc():
print("Do smart calc...")
print("Calc finished.")
return 2
async def main():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.set_task_factory(asyncio.eager_task_factory) # new
await do_stuff()
- ~/vscode_python3_12 % time uv run file.py
Make API call...
Do smart calc...
Calc finished.
Data back.
The result is 3
uv run file.py 0.07s user 0.02s system 3% cpu 2.592 total
As you already conclude, It should be a "Task" not a coroutine(in order to get scheduled), so we need a asyncio.create_task()
method. Before Python 3.12 you had to use the await asyncio.sleep(0)
trick to let other tasks a chance to run, but now you can instruct the event loop to use eager task-factory when it creates tasks.