The 'Ensure columnReference is a valid number' section of the Google Script code below evaluates to true, even though I'm calling the function with a value that is clearly a number. I'm new to javascript, so any insight would be most appreciated.
function getColumnValuesWithRename(columnReference) {
// Get the sheet by name
let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('References');
// Check if the sheet exists
if (!sheet) {
Logger.log("Sheet 'References' not found.");
return; // Exit the function
// Ensure columnReference is a valid number
if (typeof columnReference !== 'number' || columnReference < 1) {
Logger.log("Invalid columnReference value: " + columnReference);
return; // Exit if columnReference is invalid
// Get the range and log the values
const columnValues = sheet.getRange(1, columnReference, 1000, 1).getValues();
Logger.log(columnValues); // Log the retrieved values
function main(){
Then, before clicking Run, ensure that the dropdown next to this button displays main. Otherwise, first select main, then click Run.