In Rust I can define the following traits:
trait Iterator {
type Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
trait Iterable {
type Item;
type Iterator: Iterator<Item=Self::Item>;
fn iterator(self) -> Self::Iterator;
I can then define my own type CountToTen
that implements the Iterable
struct CountToTenIterator(u32);
impl Iterator for CountToTenIterator {
type Item = u32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {
if self.0 < 10 {
self.0 += 1;
} else {
struct CountToTen;
impl Iterable for CountToTen {
type Item = u32;
type Iterator = CountToTenIterator;
fn iterator(self) -> CountToTenIterator {
And I can use it like this:
fn print_items<I: Iterable<Item=u32>>(iterable: I) {
let mut iterator = iterable.iterator();
while let Some(x) = {
println!("{}", x);
fn main() {
How can I achieve the same thing in Lean? I can define a type class Iterator
like this:
class Iterator (Self : Type) where
Item : Type
next : Self -> Prod Self (Option Item)
and CountToTenIterator
like this:
structure CountToTenIterator where
i : UInt32
instance : Iterator CountToTenIterator where
Item := UInt32
next self :=
if self.i < 10 then
let i := self.i + 1
({ i }, some i)
(self, none)
but how do I define Iterable
such that its member Iterator
is an instance of Iterator
whose Item
matches the Item
of the Iterable
class Iterable (Self : Type) where
Item : Type
Iterator : Type -- how do I constrain this to be an instance of Iterator?
iterator : Self -> Iterator
I figured out how to do it. The associated types have to be output parameters:
class Iterator (Self : Type) (Item : outParam Type) where
next : Self -> Prod Self (Option Item)
class Iterable (Self : Type) (Item : outParam Type) (IterableIterator : outParam Type) [Iterator IterableIterator Item] where
iterator : Self -> IterableIterator
structure CountToTenIterator where
i : UInt32
instance : Iterator CountToTenIterator UInt32 where
next self :=
if self.i < 10 then
let i := self.i + 1
({ i }, some i)
(self, none)
structure CountToTen
instance : Iterable CountToTen UInt32 CountToTenIterator where
iterator _self := { i := 0 }
def print_items {I I2 : Type} [Iterator I2 UInt32] [Iterable I UInt32 I2] (iterable : I) : IO Unit := do
let mut iterator := Iterable.iterator iterable
if let (next_iterator, some x) := iterator then
println! "{x}"
iterator := next_iterator
def main : IO Unit := print_items