I am being reading some works on HRTF interpolation and spherical harmonics.
In such works regular spherical grids are often used, e.g., in this work, but I am missing how to compute them:
Hence, how to compute the Lebedev and the Gaussian spherical grids?
Is there a python package that easily return the list of points for a specific grid?
Foe Lebedev grids, you could try qc-grid package.
pip install qc-grid
Then you can ask some points for Spherical Harmonics (sh) numerical integration:
from grid.angular import AngularGrid
sh_degree = 6
lebedev_grid = AngularGrid(degree = sh_degree)
print(f"3D points in Cartesian: {lebedev_grid.points}"
Alternatively, you could give AngularGrid the number of points you want. It seems to return the point in Cartesian coordinates.