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What has to be changed on a Blazor Project for it to be hostable?

Ive made a Blazor Server Side Project and i want to host it on Azure.
It uses CosmosDB NoSQL in it.
What has to be changed for it to be hosted? (stuff like appsettings.json, etc)

Im able to turn it on no issue on my main PC, just had to login to the Azure CLI and then run. My Azure link on the other hand still shows an empty page.

The hosting is setup to a github repository (main branch).


To clarify: i made this with vscode but after hosting it using the Github repo on the Azure portal, it didnt work, comment said to try hosting it using visual studio tool, i did, made no difference, No errors visible though, just an empty site. I modified the appsettings.json and the launchsettings and i added appsettings.Production.json with necessary data i found online, still no difference, if anymore info is needed ill provide it

New Error:New Error


  • I created a sample Blazor Server-Side application with Azure Cosmos DB and deployed it to an Azure Web App on Linux using GitHub Actions.

    I added the below lines of code to my Program.cs class to configure Azure Cosmos DB.

    builder.Services.AddSingleton<CosmosClient>(sp =>
        var cosmosDbSettings = sp.GetRequiredService<IOptions<CosmosDbSettings>>().Value;
        return new CosmosClient(cosmosDbSettings.AccountEndpoint, cosmosDbSettings.AccountKey);
    builder.Services.AddSingleton<CosmosDbService<TodoItem>>(sp =>
        var cosmosDbSettings = sp.GetRequiredService<IOptions<CosmosDbSettings>>().Value;
        var cosmosClient = sp.GetRequiredService<CosmosClient>();
        return new CosmosDbService<TodoItem>(cosmosClient, cosmosDbSettings.DatabaseName, cosmosDbSettings.ContainerName);


    "CosmosDb": {
      "AccountEndpoint": "https://<AzureCosmosDBAccountNamer>",
      "AccountKey": "<AccountKey>",
      "DatabaseName": "<DatabaseName>",
      "ContainerName": "ContainerName"

    By using the workflow file below, I successfully deployed the app to Azure.

    GitHub Workflow file:

    name: Build and deploy ASP.Net Core app to Azure Web App - kablazorcosmosdb
          - master
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          - name: Set up .NET Core
            uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
              dotnet-version: '8.x'
          - name: Build with dotnet
            run: dotnet build --configuration Release
          - name: dotnet publish
            run: dotnet publish -c Release -o ${{env.DOTNET_ROOT}}/myapp
          - name: Upload artifact for deployment job
            uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
              name: .net-app
              path: ${{env.DOTNET_ROOT}}/myapp
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        needs: build
          name: 'Production'
          url: ${{ steps.deploy-to-webapp.outputs.webapp-url }}
          id-token: write 
          - name: Download artifact from build job
            uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
              name: .net-app
          - name: Login to Azure
            uses: azure/login@v2
              client-id: ${{ secrets.AZUREAPPSERVICE_CLIENTID_BE1BFEF934C747789370FA9529B537DF }}
              tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZUREAPPSERVICE_TENANTID_A658578A15294EE0B10C41EFC4A32775 }}
              subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZUREAPPSERVICE_SUBSCRIPTIONID_A16B6C99691C4997ABDD5AE882FCC4F7 }}
          - name: Deploy to Azure Web App
            id: deploy-to-webapp
            uses: azure/webapps-deploy@v3
              app-name: 'kablazorcosmosdb'
              slot-name: 'Production'
              package: .

    enter image description here

    What has to be changed on a Blazor Project for it to be hostable?

    The changes you need for hosting a Blazor app with Azure Cosmos DB.

    • Add the appsettings.json values to the Environment Variables section of the Azure Web App.
    "AccountEndpoint": "https://<AzureCosmosDBAccountNamer>",
      "AccountKey": "<AccountKey>",
      "DatabaseName": "<DatabaseName>",
      "ContainerName": "ContainerName"

    enter image description here

    • Add the following startup command to the Configuration section of the Azure Web App.
    dotnet <ProjectName>.dll

    enter image description here

    -Make sure to add the correct IP address to the Firewall section under Selected networks in the Networking settings.

    enter image description here

    I'm Fetching the Data from Azure Cosmos DB.

    Azure Output:

    enter image description here