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How refer to variable name in R data frame if column does not have header?

I'm using the nearZeroVar function in R to identify zero-variance variables in my analysis dataset.

An example of my code:

train1_nzv_y0 <- nearZeroVar(train1[train1$y=="no",], saveMetrics= TRUE)
           freqRatio percentUnique zeroVar  nzv
x1                 0  0.0001649599    TRUE TRUE
x2                 0  0.0001649599    TRUE TRUE
x3                 0  0.0001649599    TRUE TRUE
x4                 0  0.0001649599    TRUE TRUE

After producing the data frame train1_nzv_y0, I'd like to pull a list of the variable names x1-x4 which have been identified as zero-variance variables.

However, there is no column header for the variable names - they're "floating" in front of my first column (freqRatio) but there's no way to identify them.

Is there a standard trick in R for referring to ghost columns with missing headers?


  • They are the row names, so you can use rownames() to get those variable names:


    This will return a character vector containing "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4".


    # Create example dataset
    train1 <- data.frame(
      y = sample(c("yes", "no"), 100, replace=TRUE),
      x1 = c(rep(0, 50), rep(NA, 50)),  # zero variance for "no" class
      x2 = c(rep(0, 50), rep(1, 50)),   # normal variance
      x3 = c(rep(0, 50), rep(NA, 50)),  # zero variance for "no" class
      x4 = 1:100                         # normal variance
    train1_nzv_y0 <- nearZeroVar(train1[train1$y=="no",], saveMetrics=TRUE)


    > train1_nzv_y0[train1_nzv_y0$zeroVar=="TRUE",]
       freqRatio percentUnique zeroVar  nzv
    y          0      2.325581    TRUE TRUE
    x1         0      2.325581    TRUE TRUE
    x3         0      2.325581    TRUE TRUE
    > rownames(train1_nzv_y0[train1_nzv_y0$zeroVar=="TRUE",])
    [1] "y"  "x1" "x3"